Good morning from Washington, D.C., where GridWise Alliance staff and a number of our members are attending a fascinating conference on artificial intelligence (AI) in the energy sector, AI Powering the New Energy Era.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released its final energy efficiency standard for distribution transformers after a significant stakeholder engagement process. The proposed rule released last year would have required changes to manufacturing lines that produce transformers, potentially exacerbating the current shortage of this critical grid component. In our communications with DOE and Congress, GridWise Alliance voiced our support for energy efficiency standards but raised concerns about the impact of the transformer shortage on national security and economic development. The final rule recognizes these concerns while also promoting improved efficiency in new transformers with an extended compliance deadline. We thank DOE for considering the challenges facing the grid industry and for listening to stakeholders in adapting the final rule to provide more certainty to the market for distribution transformers. We will continue to work with DOE to find solutions to the transformer shortage in the short term and to continually improve the efficiency of the electric grid over the long term. The next possible avenue to address the shortage is through the Congressional appropriations process, where we hope to see funding to support expanded domestic manufacturing capacity.
DOE also released its latest Liftoff Report this week titled, “Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Innovative Grid Deployment.” DOE’s Liftoff series examines market opportunities and challenges for the commercialization of emerging energy technologies. Learn more about the latest report below and stay tuned for a briefing on the report’s findings soon.
We have a date for the next Grid Innovation Expo on Capitol Hill—September 18. With our partner, NEMA, we are also planning a Grid 101 briefing for members and staff in conjunction with the Grid Innovation Caucus.
Karen Wayland